
Seamless steel pipe elbow fittings

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Seamless Steel Pipe elbow fittings are commonly used in Pipe Fittings, commonly used in elbow, the material is very common, so the price is very cheap, very frequent use, popular with consumers, the following together to understand its Sort by category.
First of all, according to the production process is divided into: welding elbow, stamping elbow, push elbow, casting elbow, butt elbow and so on. Second, in accordance with the way the tube connection, can be divided into: direct welding, Flange connection, hot melt connection, fused connection, screw connection and socket connection. Finally, according to the material is divided into: a cast iron, stainless steel, alloy steel, malleable iron, carbon steel, non-ferrous metals and plastics.
From the raw materials, seamless elbow commonly used production of raw materials is seamless Steel Pipe, while the elbow mining of raw materials is steel or tube. Second, technically speaking, the use of seamless elbow is cutting water, cutting and other ways to cut out the elbow pipe, in the relevant treatment, and the use of stamping elbow is the thermal cutting of steel cut into fan-shaped, In further processing.

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